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Old 04-27-2021, 12:17 PM
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tri777 tri777 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeff336 View Post
My wife and I are in kananaskis a lot. We tend to frequent places south and west of Calgary. In my observations this year has been crazy. I’ve packed out more than my share of garbage from the back and front country. However. When you quickly add up all the money that we spend on hunting and fishing licences and draws, factor in the new random camping fees and this new fee for K-country income to a combined total of 650 dollars spent before we even leave the door. Thats before you add a NP pass for another 130 dollars.

it seems optimistic at best that even 70% of the revenues collected. Will actually go back to the appropriate resources. Is public land not intended to be public? Wether some chooses to visit or not is irrelevant. The land is there, ear marked for everyone’s enjoyment. Should everyone not equally share the cost?

More enforcement is sorely needed, however, There is no mention as to enforcement for people from out of province or out of country when the need arises again.

I don’t pretend to know everything about the proposed coal mining in Alberta. Is the land they are saying that so desperately needs protecting from hikers and day users not the same mountain tops they want to level ? Seems like a controdiction.

This government seems bound and determined to alienate a large majority of there base support just to make a buck. More accountability and personal responsibility are needed.

This seems like a very ill conceived plan at best.
I assure, it is. Heavy fines seems the way it should of went.
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