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Old 02-10-2021, 07:34 AM
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58thecat 58thecat is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: At the end of the Thirsty Beaver Trail, Pinsky lake, Alberta.
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Originally Posted by Freedom55 View Post
Not to mention 24 out of 28 days in the boat.

And I was only kidding about the money. We need to take first place in two major tournaments to get back most of the cash spent over the past number of years. Gas, bait, and lodging are crippling expenses; so are restaurant food and drinks. Did I mention entry fees?

Boat envy can get you a divorce when you come home with a brand new boat and 250 hp engine. $5000.00 sonars galore and several 200$ rods and even spendier reels are the norm. Your basic Ugly stick and Mitchell 300 gear is not going to make it and 2000$ in crank baits is a good start.

Leaving the wife alone for a month could be risky, especially if the pool guy is young and virile. Your razor gets kind of lonely and your kids don't recognize you when you return home broke and surly. With a broken 1200$ windshield and balding trailer tires (don't forget to check the welds on your trailer's trailer hitch) you have to get another job just to pay to get your equipment ready for the next trip.

There's some other stuff. Hours of self-doubt and woulda-shoulda-coulda and grand ideas about how to get it done the next time. Hours of YouTube videos to learn from the pros. A plethora of coneheads. But no regrets.


If your a pro and supporting your family then that is great but if your simply not producing and the family is doing without well ya gotta change it up and get a real job and pick away at tourny fishing....I use to blow a gasket in the lunch room when a fella would brag about all his gear 100k etc and then complain about his kids wanting to play sports etc....dam eh.

Not saying your one of them but just saying this is one of those things that rubs me the wrong first....some don't learn and thier spouses leave them and rightfully so....selfish deadbeats!

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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