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Old 02-02-2021, 11:25 AM
gophanator gophanator is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Calgary AB
Posts: 83
Default Any recommendations for a bedding job in Calgary??


I have a sako 300wsm that I order a mcmillan stock for and the fitting on it is not good at all... I have already sent it back once to them to try and get all the issues fixed but when I just recieved the stock for the second time now there are still issues... They have offered a full refund on the stock if I would like but due to when I ordered it (almost a year ago) and how poor our dollar was then vs how our dollar is better now and all this shipping I have paid for I feel like it may be my best option to have it bedded by someone here rather then return and take even more of a loss on this stock. Soo looking for any help/suggestion on someone that is real good at bedding that I can talk to them and make sure they can fix all these issues that are with this stock.

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