Thread: face masks
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Old 11-27-2020, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Whitetail503 View Post
Masks are useless. Unless you have a actual seal it’s a bandaid on a sucking chest wound. Haven’t had one on my face ever nor will I. The plandemic is a hoax, haven’t changed a thing about my life over this. Looking forward to this weekend and having some great friends over for a relaxing evening with drinks.
We've got a big man here! Wooo!

Originally Posted by sk270 View Post
There are distinct parallels between people being told to wear masks for the pandemic and being told to wear seat belts in vehicles. Some of the same arguments were raised way back when seat belts became suggested and then mandatory.

Health/safety experts and governments tell us to use both masks and seat belts.
Both are easy to use.
Both are minimally problematic for the user.
Both have been shown to be effective in protecting the user and bystanders.
A few perverse individuals refuse to comply.

The rest of us are left wondering about some people’s motivations.

Studies have consistently shown that transmission is primarily occurring indoors during "social gatherings". I have a hard time believing that people are contracting COVID in retail settings. Therefore, I feel that mask mandates are primarily political. Nevertheless, I wear the damn thing. If I'm preventing myself from getting COVID, or preventing someone else from getting COVID, great! If not, big deal, I have to wear a cloth mask on my face. I'm not being "conditioned", I'm not losing any rights, and I'm not worried about "socialist elites" and other ridiculous bogeymen.

Are the anti-mask "Karens" just angry contrarians? I don't get the impassioned opposition.
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