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Old 11-25-2020, 07:59 PM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is offline
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Originally Posted by 58thecat View Post
Do you got a dingy or other means to stay afloat if your boat takes on water and you have to abandon ship....and don't say you got a bunch of pool noodles
Your in shark infested water with a boat that just sunk full of bait....hmmmm...

All kidding aside keep on posting as we dreamers can continue enjoying your thread.
Nah mate. Just the anchor retrieval ball to cling to or life jackets. I’m about to jump in the pool with the little girl but I’ll tell a story about being in the water out there one of these days when I’ve got a bit of time.
Sinking would be bad but not high on my list of possibilities. There are usually other boats around who could come lend a hand too.
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