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Old 10-21-2020, 10:52 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North of Peace River
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Originally Posted by NCC View Post
Have you done any research on the amount of game now vs when your grandfather was shooting moose in July? My research suggests that there is more game around now than then, unless your grandfather was here before the buffalo were killed off. It is absurd to suggest that habitat loss is the reason that unregulated hunting is now unsustainable.
I was born in 1954, long after the buffalo were gone.

I have seen a profound drop in the numbers of many species. Moose, Fish, even Ducks.

Certain wildlife populations may have increased but many have been devastated by modern farming practices and habitat loss.

I don't get that from research, I get that from hands on, boots on the ground observation.

There is plenty of research out there that was done in the library, not in the field.

But you are right about unregulated hunting, at least with modern equipment. That is not sustainable and in fact is why we have conservation laws.
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