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Old 10-19-2020, 01:36 PM
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Coreyh Coreyh is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 190
Default Moose Hunting Tips

I spent 10 days archery hunting in 504, and in those 10 days, I had only 1 real encounter where I called a bull in to 15 yds but couldn't get him far enough out of the willows for a chance to let an arrow fly. I was set up and prepared for him to step out downwind of me but he came straight in with a stiff crosswind between us.... we grunted and raked willows at each other for several minutes and at 1 point, I thought I was about to get run over. It was definitely the highlight of the trip but certainly would have been better if I could've gotten him to move 20' and out into the cut line. I've chalked this one up to "That's how hunting goes.." Any tips on getting a moose to move a short distance? I did try to circle downwind of him to see if he would circle with me but it didn't work.
On another occasion, I was walking in to a spot where the rancher had told me he'd seen a cow and a bull hanging out nearly every night for at least a few days. On my way in, after doubling back because of a flooded cutline, I unexpectedly came across a cow standing on a crossing cut line at about 80 yds. I was definitely busted at that point. I figured it was the cow that I was told about and that there was 2 options for the bull:
1. He's bred her and gone
2. He's there and in the bush where I can't see him
I opted to chance #2 and backed off out of sight and started grunting and raking the trees. No response after about 15 minutes.

If you're archery hunting and a moose- bull or cow- unexpectedly crosses your path, how do you handle it?

On calling-
How long do you call in a single location? I tried anywhere from 45 minutes to 5 hours. Calling only worked once for me and the response was immediate. It was luck to set up in the right spot that time.
There was another day when a bull was standing in a spot that I had been calling 5 hours earlier but he bolted as soon as he saw the truck and I never saw him again.

How far do you move between calling locations? I was on foot and calling in spots that were 1-5 miles apart. I would always start in the am in the place I was calling in the pm.

To much oil money, never enough booze...
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