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Old 10-19-2020, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by pikeman06 View Post
I generally switch over around this time of year to a slightly higher thread count however this year I'm considering holding out maybe a week or two longer. My neighbour says he already changed his socks to a thicker type....albeit a slightly thicker type not the real thick ones but I don't believe him he has lied to me before. With any luck my old lady will find the match to one of my favorite socks. That other sock went missing almost a year ago now and I really liked that sock so I'm praying that maybe someday that it will show up again and make an appearance. I was at Marks the other day and they had a good variety of socks in stock but I just couldn't make up mind so I had to leave and go home for a couple days to think about if I really needed the slightly thicker sock then I had a nap and when I got up I made a nice sandwich. After that I washed my hands and sat down on the couch and just kinda stared at the wall and started to think about when to put up.m6 Christmas lights. I'm not sure why I suddenly thought about Xmas lights in the middle of October but I did and I went over to my neighbour's and asked him but he wasn't home so I asked his wife and she figured maybe in November or December but she didn't seem to care really, so I started phoning people and asking them but it really felt like they didn't really care about when I should put xmas lights most of them figured the best time to put the lights up was some time between now and Christmas but I don't think they cared.... They just asked why I was asking them about when to put up Xmas lights in the middle of October, I can't understand some people and why they seemed to just shrug it off it was almost like they thought it wasn't worthy of discussing on the phone or even on an outdoors forum for that matter....especially in the middke of october. Go figure! I guess some people just don't get it.....I'm thinking of posting a picture of my missing sock on this forum and maybe start a thread on it, but I think ill just keep staring at the wall till I decide when to.put xmas lights.

pikeman06 .... should win the prize, well done.


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