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Old 10-17-2020, 11:39 AM
Pekan Pekan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Calgary
Posts: 816

First thing, why not take the course? It's online, I've known plenty of 12 year olds who have taken it and had no trouble passing. It's neither difficult or all that time consuming. If it's a financial issue, AHIEA let's you pay what you can afford.

Second, maybe she could fight it in court and have it thrown out. But it was $120 fine? How does that make financial sense? Besides, she's probably already taken the online course since deer season is either underway for her or starting very soon, so again, you're gonna waste a day in court over $120?

Third, Facebook. Jeezus H Chris! The CO's favorite and most effective tool for catching poachers. This part makes me chuckle, then she voluntarily goes in to discuss the issue with the CO.... Reminds me of how they tell a criminal he's won a prize, come get it, then arrest him.

Fourth, same as the first. TAKE THE DAMN COURSE. You're not special, the rest of us did it.
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