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Old 10-17-2020, 10:25 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Calgary Perchdance
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Originally Posted by AK47 View Post
Glad to hear some nice size perch are back!
Originally Posted by Spudnut View Post
If you are having some open days this winter we will be in. Great job getting the popuation under control.
I would love to be a genius and know everything we did has helped to mitigate the problem. I think time will have to be the judge of success. We know the perch population was out of control prior to 2016 stocking of brooks and browns. We know perch populations have crashed since. I noticed lots of small perch and minnows around the lake this summer. Haven’t seen lake chub populations this high in a long time. At the same time Midnapore is a good comparison as they didn’t do what we have done and their perch population is still high and stunted.

Was out the other day with badback and filled a bucket quick. Pretty much every one between 8 and 11 inch.

If you can find a school to ice fish over and have the right hook and bait and the trout don’t scare them away there should be some fabulous perch fishing this winter.

I have a few things on the go but if I can get out ice fishing I will certainly keep a list of who I should message to come join me.

Picked up that great deal on an ice fishing tent on amazon.

I predict a number of 12 inch perch will be caught this winter.

Just hope the 9-12 brown trout target the small perch in a big way this winter.
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