Thread: Elk tactics
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Old 10-11-2020, 01:32 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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^ Why bother posting when you have nothing add, really? Isn’t it obvious from my post above where I asked the question that I would get out? Not sure what the confusion is. Do you do anything differently when it rains? That is the question at hand.

Originally Posted by obsessed1 View Post
My experience is heat effects Elk movement. Rain, cold, snow changes little. I haven't had much luck in heavy winds but I suspect it has more to do with not being able to locate with sounds as well and it being harder to set up on them if you do locate as winds tend to shift, swirl, and change quickly in the bush. Light to med rain effects Elk very little even if it's steady all day, heavy down pour might make a difference....wouldn't know as I tend to.stick close to a fire at that point. I'm betting it's more of a I don't want to be moving around in this as opposed to they won't be moving around in this
Temperature will affect them for sure. I did ok with the wind too. Rain, not so much. I don’t mind walking in that and while it feels miserable at times, I tolerate it. And, like I mentioned in the other thread, I would very much rather walk than sit tight somewhere (especially true for rain). I think my gear may be the problem. It’s not designed “hunting” gear and, like I said, can be loud. Perhaps, that affects me more and how I hunt, not sure how to explain it. Perhaps they hear me better and that affects them when they are around. Not sure.
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