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Old 09-11-2020, 04:56 PM
brass410 brass410 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 145
Default figure out boats

while a 14 may seem like enough you will probably find soon enough it isnt. I do a lot of boating started with a 14 shallow springbok 3 excursions was 2 to many. If I was going out on water bigger than the average slough I would recomend the following wide and deep (lots of free board) also high transom as oppsed to short (keeps waves out when back trolling or when you have to travel with the wind in a pinch) width makes a very stable boat ( your dog wont likely be the only one who does'nt stay seated all the time) and when you lean over the side to retrieve it ( the dog because it jumped out when a loon suddenly surfaced beside the boat) stability will be a must. A 16" would be minimum for space reasons fish gear beach gear diving gear whatever. Yes you wont be the fastest on the lake with a 9.9 but you will be comfortable. Boats I recomend would be Naden, (if you can find a good used one) an older Starcraft they have a very good hull design slips through the water very easily. Sorry for the long post
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