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Old 08-19-2020, 05:48 PM
coreya3212 coreya3212 is offline
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Originally Posted by urban rednek View Post
Stop falling for this diversionary tactic that all levels of government have been using to steal more of your money for years. They convince people they need to implement a user pay fee system in order to maintain services that are already paid for by the existing tax revenue. The new user fees will disappear directly into general's a tax increase people!
Cost increases to user fees are not reported as tax increases; meanwhile they continue to increase our taxes in smaller increments and claim they are holding the line. It's lie that people have been conditioned to accept at all levels.

The problem is uncontrolled government spending and unrealistic expectations by society in general. Giving the government another revenue stream that is fed directly from your wallet is only going to dig a deeper hole than we are already in.

It has to stop.

This^^^^^all day long.
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