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Old 07-15-2020, 09:22 AM
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bessiedog bessiedog is offline
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Default No....

Originally Posted by Jigger View Post
Hilarious, I bet you're a little gluttonous piggy like the rest of us enjoying the benefits of evil fossil fuels. Hypocrites are the worst kind of people.
People who use this tired worn out and useless moral argument to shut down a protest (which is designed to stimulate issue awareness) IS really the worst. I bet you get ALL your argument ideas from YouTube eh..... I’d call you lazy and simplistic.... but that’s be rude...

We all know that coal burning isn’t a great idea because it pollutes bad.

We all want jobs.... yep..... but no one wants to innovate or invent.... too hard. None of these mine jobs are long term.

I love how the land right next to Blairemore by the highway is essentially useless due to mining..... real waste. Then there’s that big ugly patch by Bushtown.... oh wait! That’s supposed to have been cleaned up by now....... yea....
Then there’s that slagg mess up the Adenac.... and the stuff up all over in behind Bellevue.... and the various mine sinkholes around Talon Peak..... And so on..

Tunnel cave ins are happening around Hillcrest and Bellevue...... nice eh?

Gold Creek fishery took a beating due to Riverdales negligence while just poking around the grassy mountain site..... that’s annoying if you were a fisherman.... no one ever tested the water quality of that spill... but if it killed fish well..... (oh right... it was an otter..)

If you’ve been to where they actually use the coal that we produce...... then think just a tinsey bit about how air travels..... and how small our world is..... you might not be so hung ho about these mines.

But that’s a lot to consider and it’s not simple n straightforward.

Young fellow stepping up and wanting to do something about what he sees as important....... good on him.

I’m think we should find a way better way to mine and use coal... and the LAST thing we should do is make it even easier for companies to not mitigate the super obvious problems coal mining has come to the area.
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Last edited by bessiedog; 07-15-2020 at 09:37 AM.
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