Thread: Giving in!!!!!
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Old 07-14-2020, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by catnthehat View Post
We have become a society of pansies and weaklings , offended at the most insignificant things and demanding things get changed because they are "offensive", and changing names of of things like sport teams and food because we no longer wish to offend other people.
In am NOT responsible for something that happened that I am not directly connected with , and I will be dammed if I will apologize for ANYTHING I had no direct connection with .
As far as sports teams names go , screw them , they are entertainers only.
Now we are getting somewhere, Cat. You are sharing your true feelings. Peeling back the layers like an onion. This is good. Next session we will work on going even deeper, now that the trigger point has been identified.

My point is that there are some hills worth dying on, and we have to pick those hills. Statues of Prime Ministers would be a hill I'd fight on. A damn sports team named after a people group? Not worth my time. Change every team name that is an identifiable people group and move on. All at once, just like cough syrup or an enema. Just don't give them a cent of my taxes or pay their American players CERB money like the commissioner wanted the feds to do!
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