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Old 07-10-2020, 11:59 AM
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EZM EZM is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Cool Video.

Love the last part, one kid eating an eyeball and the youngest one goes for the head at the end … lol

These kids have been raised properly. They know where their food comes from and do not have any pre-conceived notions of what's food and what's "gross".

In the old country, we would often whole roast lamb and pigs on a split. Came to Canada and that tradition continued. Had a friend over from school when I was a youngster and he was shocked and grossed out by the head ..... I remember laughing and grabbing an ear and eating it - the kid looked like he was about to run home.

I was going to go for the eyeball but decided he had enough. Good thing he was not around when my uncle and dad spit the skull open for some brains. He would have hurled.

Your kids are raised properly - kids needs to know and understand where food comes from and be a part of preparation. They are the next generation who will protect our hunting and fishing heritage.

Great video. You are doing us all, and our grandkids a big favor by posting this.

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