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Old 07-06-2020, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by CMichaud View Post
Now I am not a Trump fan per se. At the end of the day I am amazed why Canadians are so infatuated with him (both pro and con) and yet coincidentally will have no opinion or knowledge on the policies of Putin, Xi Jinping, Maduro, or Boisonaro.

Regardless, in defence of the US, I offer:

- their numbers are high largely due to better testing, reporting, and transparency then many other nations.

- their deaths per million are actually lower than several European nations (eg UK, Spain, Italy France, Sweden)

- their testing rate per million is higher than many other nations (including Canada)

- their cases per million is not the highest in the world (although again this metric is likely heavily dependent on nations testing and reporting)

I suspect the US is also investing more than any other nation into leading edge R&D with respect to vaccines and testing.

Just my 2 cents.
Come on now … that's an empty argument citing one data point that isn't even favorable when you actually look closer …..

Death rates per million ...…. YOU ARE RIGHT, the US isn't the highest in the world.

The countries you listed above (plus Belgium), are the ONLY 6 countries on the PLANET with a higher death rate compared to the US.

The other 200+ countries have a death rate LOWER compared to the US.

The fact that they are not the worst in every single category is true.

Either way, they are leading in many other categories and don't worry, US will be #1 there too soon enough. I hope I'm wrong.

I find it strange that you tagged my post specifically and asked why so many people get bent out of shape about the US.

Well, ...…. here's why I am concerned ….

1) People are dying because of a poor response. Families are losing loved ones needlessly.

2) They are being lied to. Everyday. It's unbelievable how so many people could tolerate being treated by that administration as like mindless idiots that they can manipulate.

3) I work in the US. Infection rates as high as they are can put me and my family in a bad situation - needlessly.

4) I have property in the US.

5) One of my kids is currently living in the US.

6) Most of my family live in the US.

7) What happens on our border is a concern for many Canadians.

8) My wife and both kids were born in the US and are US citizens.

As far as people on the forum understanding the policies of other countries - Maybe you are right, and likely you are, but, how valid is that anyways to our situation? does the US or one of those other countries represent a bigger threat to Canada?

The US is our immediate bordering neighbor, largest trading partner, with the largest amount of people crossing borders regularly between the two, etc...

Either way - and I'm not calling you out specifically here ….. but I am equally dumbfounded how many people blindly defend Trump and add zero in credible and zero substance in counter arguments. zero …. crickets.

The US, under his leadership, has grossly mishandled this in so many ways and the numbers show it. It's credible, factual and without dispute. Something like 2/3 Americans would agree.

That's why it concerns many Canadians. And as people, we should actually care about other people dying.