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Old 07-06-2020, 01:27 PM
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CMichaud CMichaud is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
His press secretary also said "the US is leading the world in their Covid response" …….…… she's 100% right.

Highest number of deaths

Highest number of infections

Highest active infection outbreak
Now I am not a Trump fan per se. At the end of the day I am amazed why Canadians are so infatuated with him (both pro and con) and yet coincidentally will have no opinion or knowledge on the policies of Putin, Xi Jinping, Maduro, or Boisonaro.

Regardless, in defence of the US, I offer:

- their numbers are high largely due to better testing, reporting, and transparency then many other nations.

- their deaths per million are actually lower than several European nations (eg UK, Spain, Italy France, Sweden)

- their testing rate per million is higher than many other nations (including Canada)

- their cases per million is not the highest in the world (although again this metric is likely heavily dependent on nations testing and reporting)

I suspect the US is also investing more than any other nation into leading edge R&D with respect to vaccines and testing.

Just my 2 cents.