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Old 07-03-2020, 11:23 AM
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HuyFishin HuyFishin is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Posts: 1,884

I feel like i have an angel and a devil on each shoulder right now. If it was to go public I understand it may anger many. Including poachers themselves. I'm putting myself in a position like i'm Chris hansens to catch a predator. Which will cause for some people to dislike the video and unsubscribe. Which i'm not worried about.

I'm also not worried about dark alley's or being attacked. The only thing i'm mainly concerned about is hurting the accused feelings. Thats why I cut out anything i could that would relate to race/ethnicity. I didnt show the faces of the accused because I'm not trying to smother the face of the accused all over the internet.

On the bright side poachers may fear me if they see me around these local lakes.

In the end nobody knows who they are and no harm no foul. i've got many pm's at the same time. Thats why I decided to make it public.

I apologise in advance to anyone that may see me differently. I guess my emotions I get when I run into a poacher angers me enough to try to convince myself to put it online.

YouTube:@huyfishin Fishing Videos!

Respect wildlife
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