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Old 07-03-2020, 08:28 AM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by Pikeonafly View Post
First of all,

Good job on reporting the alleged poaching. We need people out there to keep an eye out for active poaching and/or illegal method of fishing and hunting. Don’t feel guilty about it as poachers either don’t care or ignorant about the law.

I had a recent chat with the RAP worker where he told me that people do not report out of concerns of retaliation or they don’t care to because its none of their business. People also report but choose to remain anonymous which is okay but they will miss out on the reward that is given.

Second of all,

Please, please invest in a gopro or similar gadget when taking photos/videos or be discrete about it. You do not want to confront or allow them to see you recording or taking photos of them. Be discrete and protect yourself. Ask the fish officer how far out they are and START preparing to leave if you’re the only one out there. If there is more people around, don’t worry about them trying to narrow you down. Just don’t make it obvious.


At 6 walleye alleged poached and maybe some other odd charges, they’re looking at $800+ fine. You receive roughly about 50% or so in reward. This is just speculation on my half though as I did receive around that much for reporting a pike poacher a few week back.

Just to make you feel better, i reported a family w/ children for having 1 undersize fish. If they bothered to even attempt to measure it, I would of left them alone. However these people just went out and grabbed a box acting like they won a free prize. Needlessly to say, they packed up and left right after the fish officer hit them with a fine.

Another fella decided to use 2 lines in open water right next to me while my gopro was running. Got a visit from fish officer and ticket too.

Yet another fella decided to fake “release” a fish and even had the rulebook with him. Well he got hit with a fine as well.

Anyways, stay safe and try to change your fishing routine and location so people can’t just stalk a location waiting for you to come if they think its you who reported.
nothing alleged at all unless they have Jesus Christ waiting at home to reanimate the fish and return them to the lake. kept fish with zero retention are poached, no two ways about it. ignorance or not. Huy did the right thing now the family knows they did wrong.
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