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Old 06-23-2020, 03:15 PM
bobtodrick bobtodrick is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
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It's definitely real (systemic racism).
Most here benefit from white privilege but don't realize it because it is what they grew up with. The fact that I, as a white male have never had to worry about not being accepted for a job because of my skin color...or know that when stopped by police it will go smoothly (as long as I don't act like a jerk)'s been that way my entire life so it just wasn't something I thought about in the past.
But I've worked for large companies that had no employees that weren't white, even though I saw people of color applying for jobs.
I've seen police question white people on the looks like a casual conversation...but when questioning an indigenous person it looks a lot less friendly.
It's human nature...when you've never been treated poorly you tend to think no one else is either.
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