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Old 05-31-2020, 03:05 PM
Osky Osky is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 604

Originally Posted by 1899b View Post
It’s civil unrest at its finest currently. I’d hate to get caught in that.
There was more of that last night than you would believe.
Here you have the right to protect in your home. Not the yard or garage per se but once a bad guy crosses the threshold of your door all bets are off.
As far as the looting of a business, we have the rule of retreat. You must retreat, if armed, if someone breaks into your business and is stealing... However if that intruder turns on you with intent to harm you are free to defend.
There is also the right to open carry. You may not carry a handgun concealed without a permit however you can openly carry any legal weapon, nearly anywhere unless that area is noted as no carry.
There were more people than you could imagine on business rooftops last night along Lake Street armed. Many adjoining streets as well. That is one part of the reason the rabble turned east towards Sain Paul and didn't dare come any closer to the Lake Calhoun area.

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