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Old 05-31-2020, 01:05 PM
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CaberTosser CaberTosser is offline
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Is it me, or is the civil unrest, looting & arson only happening in primarily Democrat States? Every example I've yet seen that has been the case.

Curious isn't it, how exactly zero of the pro-2nd Amendment demonstrations have had any kind of trouble? Some might find that weird, others might find it pretty obvious.

Obviously the killing of Floyd was awful and that former cop should be held to account on it, but I personally find the cherry-picking of where and when to be outraged to be quite biased. Yes there is some awful stuff happening at the hands of some police (certainly not all), but we wind up with this rhetoric where blame is cast at the police & whitey in general for things the majority of them never did. If the entire picture is looked at, one would notice how many cops of all colors get murdered down there weekly, and the areas where crime is rampant & ongoing, but all that gets a pass by the rioters and the political turd-disturbers in the media as being somehow normal and not news-worthy. Neither side is innocent, but also neither side is completely responsible for everyone on their side of the political divide, and both sides have plenty of completely innocent and even upstanding people, but everyone is hammering away at blaming entire swaths of humanity for the heinous acts of few (or more than a few in the case of the rioters, but I digress).
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me

Last edited by CaberTosser; 05-31-2020 at 01:26 PM.
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