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Old 05-26-2020, 10:51 AM
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Talking moose Talking moose is offline
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Originally Posted by mariocerna View Post
I know that the fine was lawfully, but like a case when you get laid off without proper notice and you get a lawful but unjust severance; then you have to go to the a labor lawyer and he gathers a history of legal plaintiffs to support your case he sues your former employer and then you get a more just severance. Here why I’m asking is not whether the fine is lawful or not, I’m asking whether this can be win in court because can be supported by the legal plaintiffs history, perhaps there is a lawyer in this group that can give more advice.
Cmon man. Is it really worth it? It might be different if alligators had bitten your hands off and you had no way of affixing a tag.
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