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Old 03-28-2020, 06:30 AM
highwood highwood is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 673

Ladies and gentleman, some of you may know who I am and some may not. I've been here forever and am also an ER physician.

1. Respect the new restrictions -- now is not the time to look for loopholes to go fishing. I love it as much as you do but don't plan on it for the next while. I know this sucks but after all, it is only fishing.

2. Just because you currently can access some areas via non provincial access points does not mean that you should. Again, respect this virus, this is no joke.

3. Comparing park closures to liquor stores is ridiculous. The reality is that acute alcohol withdrawal can be FATAL for heavy users. Many of you will not know that. The absolute last thing ICU's currently need is an influx of withdrawal patients requiring ventilators and critical care. This is why the liquor stores are open.

Please stay home if at all possible and let us do our jobs. The fish aren't going anywhere. Think of it as a nice break for them. Do go outdoors and get fresh air albeit respecting physical distancing. It is easy to gripe about these restrictions but not so easy to choose who gets a ventilator if we fail to slow the spread of this contagion.

Stay safe.

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