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Old 03-09-2020, 09:59 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4,461

Made it out Pigeon twice yesterday. Got there bright and early at 6:30 a.m. Only one there. Had the truck. Blazed a new trail out to the ice. Started off okay at Golden Days and then quickly hit two big areas of flood water. I bottomed out for a long way. Glad I pushed it a bit hard to not get stuck. I was lucky. It was -29 to boot. Turned around and found a better path off. Cleaned the shorts at shore and then headed home to get the skidoo.

I was up and fishing out deep by 9:00 a.m. Not bad! I was fully alone until a nut in a truck came from the PP side. Good thing he had a winch because he used it at least half a dozen times and dug out at least 3 times. Needless to say, truck travel is not a good idea right now. Skidoo was just fine and stayed up on the crust. No issues. Quad might be a bit difficult.

Fishing sucked. I drilled about 50 holes and covered about 1 km distance. Covered from 23 feet to over 32 FOW. Only marked a few fish and saw none and caught none. I'm sure the weather did not help. At least with the sun it was nice to hole hop. Oh well. Onwards...
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