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Old 02-29-2020, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by raab View Post
And now your getting to the main point of worry in the markets. With Sanders looking like the Democratic party's nominee. People are starting to get worried. Coronavirus is only half the reason people are retreating out of the markets. The main worry is a Sanders win in the US. He will absolutely cripple the US economy, and for that matter ours.
As much as I can't possibly see Angry Bernie ever win the Presidency of the USA....they said the same of Trump. But I just can't see it. But if it does happen, look out.

But we don't need Bernie to cripple our economy, 5 years of JT and the gang have done a remarkable job. Look at the numbers and projections. Investment decline, GDP numbers, and don't believe all the 'new job's that were created. Canada is in serious decline, and it is accelerating. Now Libs are looking at raising the capital gains tax, because the 'rich' are always fair game to pay for Liberal spending. Jesus wept.

The truly sad, even disgusting part, is the quality and character of leadership on either side of the aisle that voters have to chose between.

2020. Is going to be an interesting year. Probably not a really fun one for many.
'Once the monkeys learn they can vote themselves a banana, they'll never climb another tree.'. Robert Heinlein

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