Thread: Rod Question?
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Old 02-26-2020, 01:24 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by jednastka View Post
Exactly dead on! I have been building rods for over 40 years; taught by some of the best in the day, and I have seen crazy stuff.

One interesting option that I have seen, and occasionally built is setting up a bait cast rod with the bend in the correct direction but after setting the guide closest to the reel in the standard position, offsetting subsequent guides by say 30 degrees each (for 6 remaining guides excluding tiptop) such that the line rotates around the rod. My client said that eliminated the line rubbing on the rod with a big fish on.

curious what kind of fish rubs the line on the rod. Ive caught a lot of big lake sturgeon on my tigerrod bait caster and I dont ever recall the line hitting the rod. cutting through the guides oh yah. need to replace the whole set now. not that Im complaining its fun to wear them off.

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