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Old 01-29-2020, 09:57 AM
MrPants MrPants is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 104

Originally Posted by muirsy View Post
Based on the data we should be more concerned with influenza than the coronavirus.

This is one of many articles saying the same thing.

"Risk of influenza is greater than risk of coronavirus, says Alberta’s chief medical officer of health"

It's just funny that many people won't get a flu shot, but will run out and stockpile some surgical masks.

Like someone else mentioned earlier, there's only so many minutes of worrying a person can do per day.
I don’t believe anyone is really worried or panicking. It’s the possibility if this virus was to go worldwide in large number that it would be worse then the common flu. The fact is that I’d rather take on the 0.1% chance of dying from the flu, then 3% from this new virus. Is this a threat to our everyday life right now, no. Even if it were to go worldwide and keep the same symptoms most people would be fine. But I’ve got small kids and an elderly mom, if I can monitor the situation and be slightly prepared I will. I don’t worry an ounce out of my day, but I like to be informed on many things.

It’s something worth keeping an eye on for sure. I don’t know why some people think that people are overreacting. What is happening in China is pretty messed up, they literally have shut down cities to try and help contain this thing. Even if it amounts to nothing over here, it’s worth discussing.

I’ve got some 3m half masks that I bought for my family, I’ll probably end up using them in the shop before a pandemic but why not have them? I’ve got some blue nitrile gloves as well, good for the shop too.
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