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Old 01-24-2020, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
Easy there, you need to calm down ......

I was responding to a question as to why the Canada had not shut down their borders and quarantined the country due to this virus.

Until Canada, or any other intelligent and pragmatic country, has independent data driven and validated information - they will not be building a bubble and shutting down the borders ...........that's fact .......... and you can scream all you want ......... that's the way it will go down ......... trust me on this one.

I made NO STATEMENT WHATSOEVER indicating I thought this was hype or whether it was Armageddon.
Haha, not sure where that came from...? It had nothing to do with you. I was calm, not sure what I need to calm down on? I'm passionate and very interested in all that is unfolding. I was just stating there is enough info out there to make the call. It's too late to contain it now anyways. It's out there. Make the call! Best case scenario now is a vaccine, but it will take a long long time, far too late. At R=3.6-4.0, it will be massive exposure in no time
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