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Old 01-24-2020, 08:22 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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Originally Posted by bloopbloob View Post
True. But the data is there. Scientific tests estimated that only 5.1% of actual values are being reported. So the truth could be 20x worse than what we are reading already. This is not chicken little screaming the sky is falling. It's slap you in the face real deal. They keep falling back on the excuse that it is localized, so they don't have to call it a world health issue. BS!!! 35million people on lockdown. It is obviously no longer localized, hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands, unknown carriers with no symptoms are mingling all over the earth now. Mark my words. I consider their lack of response negligent. This will be big.
Easy there, you need to calm down ......

I was responding to a question as to why the Canada had not shut down their borders and quarantined the country due to this virus.

Until Canada, or any other intelligent and pragmatic country, has independent data driven and validated information - they will not be building a bubble and shutting down the borders ...........that's fact .......... and you can scream all you want ......... that's the way it will go down ......... trust me on this one.

I made NO STATEMENT WHATSOEVER indicating I thought this was hype or whether it was Armageddon.
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