Thread: Scary invasion
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Old 01-24-2020, 02:58 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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Because the name says "Chinese mystery snail" does not necessarily denote where this invasive species originated from or where this particular case came from. These snails are found throughout Asia and are native to many other countries outside of China.

This invasive species has been noted in North America for over a hundred years.

It's common in the NE US and through Minnesota and is found in/through the great lakes drainage basin.

That is the most likely source of this introduction of this invasive species (in some guys boat sump) as opposed to someone smuggling these snails on a flight from China ….. lol

Having said that, Invasive species are never good, however, these are certainly present less issues compared to other species.

Clean, Drain and Dry your boats !!!!!
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