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Old 01-24-2020, 10:42 AM
Marty S Marty S is offline
AO Sponsor
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,482

Them country dealers sure went bonkers eh?

The games this year, wow! Looks like Boots has some very big plans. I sure hope he doesn't ruin the whole coyote market with his gameplay... oh wait, if I was a betting man my guess is he'll have help! Then I hope others don't ruin it with their past apathetic attitudes and negligence towards market needs.

So intriguing watching things unfold. I knew it was going to be an interesting year and that many folks would have plans, some big, some small. Some successful plays, while others fail, and yet other outcomes yet to be seen.

It is a common thing for things to get extremely strong $$$ exactly before a major fall. Just look at the ranch mink. Coyotes a complete different game but the danger in the coyote going so strong is the fact that those users working tight profit margins will be out in the cold and then we lose potential otherwise long term customers. Fine and dandy if the people who accept the hard upward push do so long term but if they are suddenly out in the cold themselves for some reason then what do we have left? Well definitely one mass customer but where are we now without competition in the marketplace?

It can so easily go bad.

If you are a small buyer operating on your own cash, BEWARE!!!... the fur market has broken many, many people/companies and will continue to do so so long as it exists! DO NOT BUY FUR ON PERSONAL CREDIT AT THIS TIME!!! Do learn from the lessons of past markets over past decades from people who have been there and done that.

But when all's said and done... GO FUR MARKET!!! GO FHA!!! GO COUNTRY DEALERS!!! I hope it's a win for all!

Give me a $200 coyote average and I am a full time trapper.... full time trapper seeking a 1500 coyote season!!! Probly!
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