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Old 12-11-2019, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams View Post
You beat me to it. Governments talk big and then cheap out, the troops pay the price and don't get results. Then there's the reluctance to risk human lives, because the voters can't handle even light losses these days. Bosnia is a perfect example. Gotta wonder what's going to happen if the **** ever hits the fan, Big Time ?

Western society in general no longer has the balls to do what it takes in war. Like you said, as soon as the losses roll in which is inevitable in any armed conflict, they change their tune. All this hearts and minds does not cut it when your fighting an enemy that has no sense of morals. I can tell you stories of all the atrocities I witnessed in Iraq that never made western news because it didn't fit their agenda. In the first assault on Fallujah they did exactly what was common practice in WWII, door to door search and destroy. If you couldn't go down the street you blew a hole through one house to get into the next and so forth. Darn near leveled the city. When the second assault came around, they did not want a repeat to win the hearts/minds...

In war people die, good and bad, for no reason other than that's just what happens in war. If you have enough cause to go to war, expect it will happen and accept the consequences. If you can't, then don't start it in the first place. I can't tell you how many times I've questioned why I survived when several of my friends who saw way less action than I never made it back. It has taken me along time to realize there is no answer...
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!
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