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Old 12-11-2019, 11:10 AM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is online now
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Originally Posted by Arachnodisiac View Post
Comparatively, ALL Canadian provinces when founded were conservative. Indigenous people couldn’t vote or leave the reserves, women couldn’t vote or pursue higher education readily, healthcare was a spotty spit show, and so forth.

When would you dial the clock back to? What would you keep?

As for the fight being over, typically once social rights are legalized, there’s a pushback that makes life harder for a time. (Think of the civil rights movement.) just because something is legal on paper doesn’t mean everything is suddenly equal, unfortunately because the social space that legality technically creates still needs to be fought for tooth and nail in every day life.

And yeah - as an Albertan woman, I’d fight for my reproductive rights as hard as I’d fight to keep my guns.

Your Alberta isn’t everyone’s - and you aren’t any more entitled to determine what a valid Alberta is any more than any other resident.

The next decade will sure be interesting, at any rate.
Nope I don’t have more say than anyone else; you are right. But all the liberals, socialists, and wanna be conservatives have all of Canada as their political will. Well I think SK has actually moved more right in the last decade or so. Regardless, I’m just asking for one spot in the country to allow us to have our values reflected.

As for fighting after rights is nonsense. Once it’s on paper, you have all the rights as anyone else and the tools are there to enforce them. Continuous fighting to be MORE equal is what alienates causes from the average person.

Reproductive rights aren’t going anywhere. Anyone that bears that drum is fear mongering and absurd. The “Evil Harper” is way more conservative than Kenney or most politicians nowadays and he easily could’ve pushed it through. The fact of the matter is it’s a non issue. For every nut case that wants to change it, there are 75 people that want nothing to do with changes and another 19 carrying on about nothing; because it’s such a small voice of opposition. Maybe 5 people support the nit job for their own personal reasons yet don’t actively seek out the change. Your continuous fight for something that faces nonperil is wasted effort.

I am the most conservative person I know. I’m one of the most conservative person you will likely converse with. I have exactly zero interest in debating abortions or gay rights. The libertarian in me says it’s your construct of laws that caused these issues in the first place. When laws controll every aspect of your life, that’s when they interfere with your life.

As for when to turn the clock back to; I’ll take anytime. Realistically though, I’ll take the Ralph Klein years when gay marriage, and abortions were legal, women could vote and anything else you felt threatened by was a non-issue. I’d be happy with that. And apparently so could you.

Last edited by HyperMOA; 12-11-2019 at 11:15 AM.
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