Thread: Elk tactics
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Old 12-11-2019, 10:18 AM
Mb-MBR Mb-MBR is offline
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Originally Posted by obsessed1 View Post
Next tip is wind us FAR more important than camo.
I usually wear camo ( mostly because it's the TYPE of clothing I need) but breaking up your outline is the most important part. Brown pants with grey sweater with coyote brown bino harness gives the effect of break up needed.
Carry a wind checker and use it often while hunting/ tracking.
Your wind will bust you long before your even within view of the critter
Thermals are also something that you should keep in mind.
A large portion of the Elk I haven't got is due to bad wind decisions.
I have never used any of the scent lock spray products as im not convinced they give any advantage. If the wind is bad your going to get busted period. I do however wear one of those scent pucks ( esterous cow Elk) have done it for years now just cause.....
When i am locating Elk ( Calling) I don't worry about the wind at all because I have no idea where the Elk are to begin with. Once I locate a bull I try to get within 200 yds with the wind in my face. I then begin my calling sequence trying to pull the bull in for a look. If your successful at getting him worked up rarely do they circle top wind you.
Still hunting them I don't worry about wind until I notice the track begins to mil around. This is when I make my way around to the down wind side.
There's no need to be silent ( Elk make lots of noise moving around) working the wind in your favor will give you a chance to get in close enough for a shot. Most times a bull will hear you and give a nervous bark. This is your cue to give him a soft cow response. Remember he can't smell or see you he just heard you and asked what you are. You let him know your just a cow Elk and no threat to him. It's now possible to work your way right in for a shot reassuring him all the while you're a Elk. In this scenario if he winds you, he's gone. He won't give you the nervous grunt he will just slip away. After he gives you the grunt if you don't respond he will bugger out. He asked what you were and he didn't get an answer. In his mind it's danger, get out quick. If he sees you but can't figure what you are letting him know your an Elk puts him at ease for a few seconds giving you a possible chance at a shot.
A lot of sage advice being shared and cannot disagree with what has worked for other hunters. One of my favourite techniques is once I locate the bull and as long as he's bugling I remain silent and work the wind in my favour and if I can get in close enough, I locate a stick and start scraping the ground and scraping/thrashing (gently at first) a nearby bush...…...this has brought many curious elk within bow range....I should clarify long bow range.
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