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Old 11-14-2019, 10:35 AM
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KyleSS KyleSS is offline
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Location: Okotoks
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Originally Posted by Joe Black View Post

I forgot you are correct on all matters great and small.

The fish cop office that is located 5 minutes from there also stated the same as Ryan's.

They must be in cahoots,,,,,

Or better yet, you could stop by and set both of them straight.
Ryan's also tried telling me I needed the head of my EWE non trophy sheep to be present when delivering the meat. I asked them to show me where it says that in the regulations.

They went to this part

The evidence of sex, species or class that must be retained is as follows:

moose, elk, deer, antelope, bison and non-trophy sheep - attached to the same part of the animal to which the tag is affixed, one of the following:
testicles, scrotum, or udder, and in the case of deer only, the completely haired tail, or
the head with horns or antlers attached if the animal has horns or antlers, or
the head (complete with the skin on it) if the animal has no horns or antlers, and in addition
the complete skull plate with horns or antlers intact must be retained with the carcass of the male antelope, male elk or male non-trophy sheep
the complete head must be retained with the carcass of a calf moose harvested under authority of a Calf Moose Special Licence.

After they re-read the regulations very carefully, they accepted my EWE non trophy sheep.
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