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Old 10-07-2009, 01:20 PM
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Gorram Gorram is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Crossfield, AB
Posts: 328

Thx DLP.

The oil is in an old fuel tank, hung from a tree, thru a 150micron filter, then the 1/4 in ballvalve (open just a crack) thru 1/4 in copper down the old flue (now makeup air) tube, reduced to 3/16 and drips on to a cone-bevalled steel plate. See link below:

It works good! Lotsa heat! Cost me aprox $50 in spare parts, but for this design to work you NEED to machine the "burner pot", which "Granpa" G made for free.

Cheers, G.

Ps: scuse the lefty slant of the link site
Individuals exercising their inalienable right to self defence are naturally perceived as a direct threat to the supremacy of the state.

It's never been about the Earth. It's always been about power. Limit the resources, decree that limited resources must be state controlled - power.
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