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Old 11-03-2019, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by elk eater View Post
Looch having a hearing over this is absolute garbage. Refs don’t protect the goalies and star players in this league enough hence the need for teams to want and NEED a tough guy. The league goes after Looch for doing the refs job. Maybe the refs should start throwing the sucker punches then. The NHL has a real problem on their hands. They don’t want to call to many penalties so they allow guys to take a slash or a hack with a weapon but a good ol’ fashion punch to the face is what they want to penalize !!!! Give me a break. Soon enough baseball players will be tougher than Hockey players. Garbage.
2 games. Seems excessive to me if indeed he was protecting his goalie (never saw the game, only going off what I read on here)
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