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Old 10-31-2019, 12:57 AM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
This is unfair. And no, I didn’t vote NDP in or voted for Trudeau. Things started going downhill in the third or fourth quarter of 2013 and the **** hit the fan outright in 2014. Has nothing to do with NDP, nada. In my honest opinion, the economy would be in the toilet regardless of the party in power. And with due respect, to state otherwise is either silly or simply dishonest. Furthermore, looking at the budget that was recently released, we would be much deeper down the drain had this government taken office then. The latter part is speculation on my part, yes, but it is an educated one
I would agree with you had Sask not seen a little boom in the same terrible oil market. That is because of the Notley taxes and carbon taxes; we saw billions and billions of dollars and CAPex walk out of Alberta right into Sask. Things weren’t great, but they definitely got worse because of the NDP. (I speak from within the O&G sector and its suppliers) All of those projects are what directly and indirectly fund all of the things within the budget that were cut. Notley cut jobs and investment in AB, Kenny had to reign in the spending.

If you make $1,000,000 a year you can eat lobster every night. If you lose said job and end up working at MAC’s on minimum wage you might have to forego a lobster or two. Have yourself some ichiban noodles. Well, it’s time Albertans get used to a few feeds of ichiban.