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Old 10-16-2019, 10:04 AM
Gifted Intuitive Gifted Intuitive is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 420

Originally Posted by ganderblaster View Post
I really don’t see your point. Snow geese are the only waterfowl species that are scientifically proven to be overpopulated the rest are holding steady to 4% increase except for the widgeon which is a success story, the pin tails are actually declining rapidly to the point where a lower daily limit has been imposed in many states. In my area the locals are more then enough to cover the little bit of crop damage that occurs and many farmers prefer the pay out from wildlife crop damage on a wet year anyway.
'Overpopulated' as assessed by someone who provides for themselves or their families from my tax dollars is obviously different from someone who estimates loosing 10,000 lbs of grain each day from migratory wildlife. This is a very conservative estimate as I have had large agricultural producers estimate that it can be up to 50,000 lbs per day because of the size of their agri-business.
Now you do the math: 10,000 lbs /day loss for each of wheat, barley and lentils.