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Old 10-12-2019, 12:42 PM
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omega50 omega50 is offline
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Originally Posted by HyperMOA View Post
What really bugs me about poor Eddie’s situation is that the government was trying to sue him for healthcare costs. That is total BS. Healthcare is “free”. Let me repeat that; healthcare is “free”. One more time to let it really sink in; healthcare is “free”. How can he be charged for a service that is “free”?

I know, I know, I know what you want to say; and it’s hogwash. Sorry to tell you this, but it’s utter BS what you want to say. IN CANADA HEALTHCARE IS “FREE”!!!!

I hear it even on this website all the time where people want certain people to pay for certain things because of, let’s call it, life choices. It’s BS. Until every person is 100% responsible for all of there costs personally or the injuries caused to somebody else by their actions; everyone needs to shut up about it and pull their heads out of their backsides. Healthcare is “free”. So until the hockey player pays for his injuries, I pay for my future cheeseburger-induced triple bypass, the driving while texting pays for all the whiplash claims, the citizen pays for their flu shot.......... then nobody pays. Nobody!!!

Then the government of all people decide that he should be the first Canadian to pay for healthcare. What a damned joke. OK, sorry, rant over. This is a topic that really irks me though.
Unfortunately-AHS has the right to subrogate all/part of their costs if negligence could be proven.
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