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Old 10-10-2019, 03:25 PM
bossmansteve bossmansteve is offline
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 78

Originally Posted by AndrewM View Post
Sorry I will be more clear with the point I wanted to get across. You care about autism for your kids based on nothing yet you don't care about the preventable diseases your children could get based on historical fact. For your sake, I hope it doesn't come back to bite you.
Good question. Two things.

First, I fear the unknown more than the known. The risk of my child dying from one of these diseases is small. The risk of negative effects from vaccines, such as aluminum accumulating in their brain is unknown. I pick the small risk over the unknown risk.

Second thing is that I actually don't believe death is the worst outcome. I believe death is natural, coming to all of us, and to some weaker and less well-adapted people it rightfully comes sooner than to others. I would rather have 1/4 of my children die and the other 3/4 be amazing people, for example, than have 4/4 survive with chronic health problems. Quality over quantity. I don't subscribe to the dogma that all humans are equal or that every single human ought to survive at all cost.
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