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Old 10-10-2019, 03:09 PM
bossmansteve bossmansteve is offline
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 78

Originally Posted by YYC338 View Post
So you would trust the skills and knowledge of the medical professionals for treatment if one of your children contracted a preventable disease due to not being vaccinated against it, yet you won't trust their skills and knowledge when they recommend vaccinations?
I trust doctors do be relatively competent at what they were trained for: diagnosing and administering treatment for general health problems. But they aren't perfect so I don't blindly trust them, I research myself to double check. It's my own health at stake.

The vast majority of doctors have no specialized training on the details of vaccines and do not follow the scientific literature on the subject. Their "recommendation" is literally just passing along the recommendation given to them by the governmental bodies who set it. So no, I don't look to them for a recommendation on vaccines.

Originally Posted by YYC338 View Post
You would also expect the government (taxpayers) to pay for the results of your conscious decision to not vaccinate when, due to an aging population the healthcare care cost burden will continue to rise dramatically even without adding costs associated with treating diseases that were easily preventable by vaccination (statistically proven obviously)

Is it me or does this not seem logical to others?
We live in a country where we are highly taxed and our tax dollars are wasted in a million ways. I would heavily reform the system if I could, but I can't and so I live within it. In all cases, yes, I would try to recover my tax dollars by getting the government to pay for something, if possible.
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