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Old 10-09-2019, 08:39 PM
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bdub bdub is offline
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Originally Posted by Justahunter View Post
What Fish & Wildlife is doing here is unethical and will be defeated. First of all the regulations specificly state that the line must be drawn from the front of the base to the tip . And that the line needs to be beyond the eye. What they are doing with this jig is not going to the tip but going to the beyond location . The beyond location is not clearly identified therefore cannot apply in law . Insist that jason Nixon becomes totally aware of this and he can fire the idiot that came up with it
I have a photo of a buds ram in the jig, lined up perfectly where the fish cops say they are measuring to, in perfect profile, showing the jig along the horn bases, and showing the other plane of the jig just in front of the brown portion of the eyeball, not the eye socket.

And this has always been the case as far as I know/experienced. Always been the dark portion of the eyeball. I don't think anything has changed.

I have to ask guys who have had a sheep in the jig if the officers took any photos as part of the registration process?
There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot. Aldo Leopold

Last edited by bdub; 10-09-2019 at 08:46 PM.
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