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Old 09-28-2019, 09:17 AM
wildwoods wildwoods is offline
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On our sheep this year they couldn't use the jig as we still had the lower jaw on (we had no idea). They used the square instead. The EYE SOCKET was used as the reference point. I'll need Hugenuge's permission to post the picture from F&W.
One thing to keep in mind in once the animal is caped, you do get more anterior portion of horn exposed, therefore cancelling out somewhat the effect of using the eye socket instead of eyeball.

What bothers me about this whole fiasco is the wording in the regs: "visible" and "eyeball". "Visible" to me would mean "what I can see while the ram is alive". We studied our sheep at 40 yards for 20 minutes before pulling the trigger to make sure. It's not an easy thing to do at the best of conditions (like we had). The wording needs to be 10000000% clear on what we need to look at. I am sorry but I cannot see a caped sheep on the hoof, nor his hairless anterior horn and eye socket. Hats off to whoever can accomplish that. It's ridiculous and very confusing.
My guess is someone will win a court case over this mess at some point soon. Needs to be crystal clear.
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