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Old 09-16-2019, 07:13 PM
obsessed1 obsessed1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
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I run a down woobie rated for about 0 dag if it's colder I wear my puffy for added insulation. sleeping bags add weight and space with part of the bag being useless as it's compressed under your body. A 1-2 oz bivy will keep your quilt or woobie in place for less weight and space than the added weight of a full bag( also adds waterproofing). This weekend I'll be camping out in a hammock to see how I like it. It's a bit heavier and more space in the pack than my ultralight floorless tent/ or tarps but I'm hoping the good night rest will make up the difference. I don't sleep bad on the ground but i sure sleep better in a hammock.
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