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Old 09-16-2019, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Ronaround View Post
Just Curious> Does the landowner by Canadian law have to let anyone on it if they choose? Do they get any help from the Providence by letting hunters hunt there land at all? tax incentives ?
I cant imagine that after massive door knocking and trespassers it does get over-whelming. Follow the money,follow the money,it will always pan out.
In regards to hunting private land in Alberta- a private landowner has control over who may access their land for hunting purposes. There is no government incentive for the landowner to do so. It is illegal for a landowner to charge for hunting access; it is also illegal to offer any compensation (money, booze, food, labour, first born, etc.) for hunting access. I would insert the wink, wink, nudge, nudge emoticon here...but that doesn't happen in Alberta.
Anyone accessing private land without permission can face various charges depending on the severity of the trespass and whether they harvested any game. (poaching)

In regards to lease land (typically government assigned agricultural/grazing leases) in Alberta- short story- the leaseholder must allow public access for hunting purposes. However, each lease has a contract that stipulates leaseholder conditions and public access conditions; the specific access terms can vary from lease to lease. Some leaseholders claim public access conditions (crops or cattle still on the land, weather conditions, the price of tea in China, etc.) have not been met in order to prevent public access during hunting season.
The long story is a novel that always degrades into a mud-slinging donnybrook. Not worth getting banned over.

I was dead serious about some landowners/leaseholders fielding hundreds of calls/visits to their front door from hunters seeking access to their land every year. It must get tiring.

BTW- while it is a common lead in to honest questions, "Just Curious" is the online name used by an irritating eco-activist socialist troll in the comment section of many Canadian news, science and weather blogs. So, if you ever get a really negative response to a question, it might be someone who feels that Just Curious would make good chum.
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