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Old 09-16-2019, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Green1 View Post
This type of service is exactly what the government should be doing about the lease access issues already. No more calling for access. A user has to sign up for a date, provide contact info, read and agree to all the leaseholder conditions. No one gets denied for BS reasons and the leaseholders have a record of who was on the property without dealing with a million phone calls. I say implement this everywhere, and I would gladly pay a little more on my wildlife certificate to cover a program that actually allows albertans an easy way to access their public land.
It has limited possibilities. You still have to contact the lease holder through the online app. That is how CLAS works with private land. The lease holder could ignore the request just like ignoring a phone call. He can still say access is denied for legitimate reasons or even non-legitimate reasons. This is not a fix, it just avoids personal contact through a telephone. Nothing to get excited about here...
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