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Old 08-29-2019, 02:39 PM
jcrayford jcrayford is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Usually the office, but the bush when I can
Posts: 1,301

Originally Posted by tracker View Post
I range as I walk. If I think an animal might show in a certain draw or around a bend I range the yardage of the area. You may not have the chance to pull out a range finder at the moment that matters most.
And that's why I'm saving my pennies for this: Garmin X1A

Just kidding - too expensive for me to place that on my bow.

^^ Tracker has some great suggestions above though.

My rule of thumb (And I have to remind myself of this every single time out in the field) is that if you think you're going slow enough, you're not. Slow down to 1/4 of the pace you're currently going, especially if you know an animal is anywhere within 100 yards. They will spot the movement long before they smell you. If you're sitting in a spot, move exceptionally slow when turning your head, scratching your nose, etc. AND!!!! Leave your noisy wrappers at home - repackage store bought food into Ziplock bags that are much quieter.

My $0.02.... Please feel free to take my comments with a grain of salt
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